It’s against the law in Washington to drive so slowly that one impedes the normal flow of traffic. It’s dangerous, and it leads other drivers to act dangerously, too, possibly causing an accident. If you were injured at the hands of a slow or an aggressive driver, then you may be eligible for compensation.
The drivers most likely to go slow
First, it may be beneficial to know what sort of drivers tend to travel slowly as different factors contribute in different degrees to a driver’s negligence. One of the most negligent acts that a driver can engage in is phone use, and this is one of the leading causes of slow driving. The National Safety Council says cell phones make the parietal lobe 37% less active. This is the part of the brain most engaged in those actions that go into driving.
Slow drivers may also be sightseers unconcerned with the speed limit. Then there are newly licensed drivers, who, contrary to popular belief, are more likely to go slow than to speed. This is largely due to a lack of confidence. Lastly, seniors tend to drive slow. If they have arthritis, this can lessen the amount of pressure they exert on the gas pedal. If their eyesight is poor, they may not even know the speed limit.
What to do when a driver is going slow
Sometimes, it’s the drivers who react too impatiently to a slow driver who causes a crash. After all, tailgating and aggressively passing on the right are dangerous actions. When faced with a slow driver, it’s best to wait a minute to see if he or she will change lanes. One can flash the headlights once or twice to get the driver’s attention. As a last resort, one can honk the horn.
Attorney for personal attention
Whatever the situation was like for you, you may want a lawyer to see what your chances are of filing a personal injury case. As long as your degree of fault is less than the defendant’s, you can be eligible for compensation, but it may take a lawyer to ensure a fair settlement.